
Best Oral Presentations

OSI has instituted Biennial Awards for the best oral presentations by young researchers (40 years of age as on 7th February 2025) during OSICON in various thematic areas. The best oral presentation awards include a citation, certificate and cash prize of Rs. 5000/-. The best poster award by OSICON-25 includes a citation and certificate. These awards will be presented during the concluding session of OSICON-25. Oral presentations in the contest section will be judged based on originality, methodological rigor, and presentation quality.

The cash awards for best oral presentations are for the following themes:

Prof. Vallam Sundar Award

Ocean Engineering

Shri C. V. G. Reddy Award

Chemical Oceanography

Dr. M. Baba Award

Physical Oceanography

Dr. Kesavadas Award

Geological Oceanography

Prof A. D. Rao Award

Oceans & Atmospheric Science

Prof. N. R. Menon Award

Biological Oceanography

OSI Biennial PhD Theses Awards

OSI has introduced Biennial PhD Theses Awards instituted under different themes in Ocean Science and Technology to recognize excellent research carried out by young PhD holders in the country. The Awards consist of citation, certificate, and prize amount of Rs. 10,000/- that will be given during the OSICON-25.

Prof. Vallam Sundar Award

Ocean Engineering

Dr. Rabindranath Sengupta Award

Chemical Oceanography

Dr. N. P. Kurian Award

Physical Oceanography

Dr. H. N. Siddique Award

Geological Oceanography

Prof A. D. Rao Award

Oceans & Atmospheric Science

Dr. (Mrs.) N. I. Joseph & Prof. K. V. Jayachandran Award

Biological Oceanography

Dr. Shanta Achuthankutty & Dr. P. A. Lokabharathi Award

Marine Microbiology & Biotechnology

Dr. D. Srinivasan Endowment Award and OSI Fellowship will be conferred during OSICON-25

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